Mallard Road Estate – Parking update and survey
As residents will know I have hosted two recent public meetings at the HIVE regarding the on-going parking issues on the estate.
Mallard Road Estate – Parking update and survey
As residents will know I have hosted two recent public meetings at the HIVE regarding the on-going parking issues on the estate, mainly caused by displaced parking from the private land at Leavesden Court following the landlords bringing in a permit scheme.
Three Rivers Council officers, at my request, have drawn up an illustrative plan where, for safety reasons, additional yellow lines (as minimal) could go into Mallard Road. The Council can ONLY enforce parking controls where there are yellow lines or parking permit controls.
Most residents at the latest meeting did not feel this would solve the issues, although it would improve the situation immediately around the mini roundabout. Many suggested some form of Residents-Only Permit
Parking Scheme, restricted to estate residents only, could be the way forward. Residents indicated that whilst there are some daytime issues, the main problems are evenings and weekends.
As such, a scheme would need to include night-time controls and this will be more complex for Three Rivers to draw up. The current schemes operated by Three Rivers are only daytime schemes to cover mainly commuter parking and operate only in part or all of the daytime, finishing at 6pm. Current permits cost (depending on the scheme) are £75 for the first vehicle and £138 for the second with a max of two, but with extra visitor permits (£15 for 10 permits), along with discounts for those over 60.
There would be no requirement to buy a permit, and some residents may not want one but in order to park on the public highway during permit parking hours residents would need to have a permit.
The plans inside show the extent of the yellow lines and also the public highway. The permit parking scheme can ONLY apply on the public highway. Many of the parking bays are NOT public highways. Before I ask Council Officers to put such a scheme on the Council work program I would like to gauge residents’ views. Any scheme is likely to take a considerable time and would be subject to at least two full consultations, firstly on the principle, then on the details. The Council will only introduce a scheme with a clear majority (above 50%) support it in a public consultation. The returns would be per household.
Could you kindly answer the questions and reply by 24th December and I will report back in the New Year and book another meeting at the HIVE.
In the meantime, at the request of some of you I am going to contact, and I hope speak the Management Company at Leavesden Court, as it does appear that not all the bays and visitor ones are being used and how they could be better managed to reduce the issues on the estate.